Wednesday, May 01, 2013


I used some vacation time to attend this late afternoon Metronet "Appy" Hour session.  Nine of us shared apps that we've found useful. Unfortunately, I brought my library branch's iPad with me to the session, and the Apple id wasn't what I thought it was, so I couldn't install any of these apps.  But I did take notes on the library's iPad and here is the list of suggested apps in the order they were suggested:

Chinook Book:  Not free.  This is a coupon app.
Nexercise:  A free exercise app.  If you exercise enough, you get free gift cards.
Shazaam:  This app identifies songs.
SoundHound:  This app identifies songs and lyrics.
TrailMix: This is a music and pedometer app. It's not free.
Google Search: Features the google now location service.
PopBooth:  This is a photobooth app.
apps gone free:  This is a place to look for free apps.
free app magic:  This is another place to look for free apps, mostly game apps.
Haiku Deck: "Presentation software to set your story free."  Beautiful photographs to go with your presentation slides.
NPR Music:  All the music and many interviews from NPR are on this app.
Color Splurge:  This app adds color effects to your photos.
Leafsnap:  This is an "electronic field guide" that identifies leaves.
Hungry Fish:  This is a math game app for kids.
7 Little Words:  This is a word game app.
Word Lens:  This app translates signs.
Quixey:  This is a search engine for apps.
Scanner Radio:  This app lets you listen to police scanners around the world.
YALSA's Teen Book Finder: This is a free app for finding teen books.

--Barb @Highland Park