Grantee Convening
July 23-25, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Hive and Learning Networks
Hive NYC (Chris Lawrence, Director of Hive NYC,
- Launched in 2007 and supported by Mozilla
- Youth came up with the name ‘Hive’ and graphics; focused on youth-serving organizations committed to transforming experiences; ‘threw things at the wall and saw what stuck’, ‘was all by accident but caught like wildfire’
- Within a year other cities were asking for advice on starting their own Hive
- Chicago (Mozilla) & Pittsburgh (Sprout Fund) are fully-functioning
Surge Columbus (Julie Scordato, Youth Services Manager at Columbus Metropolitan Library,
- Network of 5 institutions doing learning labs: public media, library, arts center, science & industry center, museum of art
- Brought on an independent office of evaluators
- Brainstormed: audience (teens, parents, internal staff..) and outcomes
- Created a living document/logic model for the network
- Served as a map, touchstone (reminder of commitment)
- Each organization also developed a separate logic model
- Formed committees across the network (weekly or biweekly meetings): programming, promotion, sustainability, products, professional development
Pittsburgh Kids+Creativity Network
- Became the third Hive after building a network and realizing the need for contacts outside of the city and conversation about reimagining learning
- Approached the MacArthur Foundation to ask for support
- Hive Days of Summer
- 3 month program; 100 opportunities, 18 organizations
- Organizations received small grants to fund
- Each organization received a Hive toolbox of posters/stickers – so youth saw the branding
- Take pART (Corey Wittig, Digital Learning Librarian, The Labs @ Carnegie Library.
- Arts & media-making around participatory politics & community engagement
- Partners within the network: Carnegie Library, HEAR ME (an initiative of Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE Lab), Sprout Fund
- Youth Voice: records youth stories and share with the adults in the community who need to hear
- One example was recording stories of youth who grew up with parents in prison; their stories were shared with adults in a prisoner re-entry program
Hive Global
- New sites in progress include Toronto and Mexico City
- There’s a need to share best practices and build together on a global level but also to be hyperlocal
- Global Maker Party: helps create global connections as people mingle and then share
Advice to other cities:
- (From San Francisco) Host a Hive Pop-up to assess need, commitment
- A pop-up is an event that brings multiple youth-serving organizations into one space, similar to a maker fair
- For participating organizations the event helps to find tensions, possibilities, tangible things to build upon, much better place to start a co-plan (more effective than a meeting)
- Involve an independent operator who can balance interests between organizations
- Neutral
- Will help with moving forward and building value
- Look at current youth trajectories and design towards that; what’s working in your city?
-Leslie @ SR/Admin