Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Race – Power of an Illusion

I attended the training Race – Power of an Illusion offered by the City of Saint Paul Human Resources department.  This training consists of a three- part video and discussion about each section.  The first is titled “The Differences Between Us,” and it shatters the idea of race having a biological or scientific basis.  In this part of the video, a group of students sequence and compare their DNA.  They find their closest genetic match is as likely to be someone from another race as their own.  We learned there is no genetic basis that divides us into racial groups.  Any two individuals within a racial group can be as different biologically as anyone. 

The second part of the training is “The Story We Tell.”  In this part the concept of race as a modern idea is introduced.  It’s only a few hundred years old and can be linked to America’s need for labor, land and development.  After finding an unending supply of labor, in the form of African slaves, America defended slavery despite the strong belief in freedom for all.  The forced removal of Native Americans from their own land was defended by President Jackson as what happened to inferior people when faced with a superior race.  There were scientists at the time who believed Black people were created to be slaves, and were incapable of living on an socially equitable level with white people.

The third part, “The House We Live In,” looks at how institutions in the United States benefit white people by offering opportunities to them that aren’t available to all.  At the beginning of the twentieth century many immigrants started arriving from eastern and southern Europe.  They had to prove they were white to take advantage of government programs and policies  available only to whites.  The ability to buy a home in an area where property values increased wasn’t available to some ethnic Europeans and Blacks.  The equity and wealth based on increasing home values was limited to those whom the courts deemed white.

If you have the opportunity to attend this training I would definitely recommend it.  In addition to the informative, eye-opening DVD, the discussion among city employees was also very good and made me aware of the different life experiences we bring to our work every day.  We own several copies of the DVD, and it can also be viewed at

--Betty Pearson, GLCL

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Minnesota Library Financial Education Workshop – April 24, 2019

On April 24, I attended the Minnesota Library Financial Education Workshop, an all-day training offered through the Minnesota Department of Education-State Library Services and facilitated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The presenters and panel participants shared expert information, though I would say it was difficult to see how to directly apply this information to libraries, and no discussion was offered regarding the information vs advice conundrum we have as librarians. It was also clear from the presenters and fellow library attendees that the workshop was geared towards the needs of suburban communities—only one panel addressed the needs of the underserved. 

I tried below to share only what I thought might be useful to librarians and/or in a library setting. I did come away with a bag with a State Fair’s-worth handouts from each organization, so please let me know if there’s interest in reviewing them. Sadly, the only true swag was a pen from the Better Business Bureau with a stylus on one end, but you’re welcome to it.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Community Partnerships program

    Built by libraries for libraries:

  • Community partnerships
  • Outreach
  • Programming
  • Clear information and resources
  • Libraries can sign up for a monthly newsletter

Free publications
Consumer tools

Retirement – Social Security Administration

  • Build your Future: Social Security, Pension, Investments, Other Income
  • Born after 1960: 100% benefit at age 67
  • Free publications
  • Sign up for a “my Social Security” online account to view benefits, statements, etc.
  • Benefits calculators

Resources for Young Adults panel - Best Prep, Jump $tart Coalition, Family Means, MN Department of Education

Barriers for youth:

  • No guidance; fear of money
  • Different home experiences
  • Classes are electives, not required
  • Parents are reluctant to talk about it
  • Cultural or status stigma around talking about it
  • Inability to “practice in a safe space”

 Youth should start right now:

  • Understanding luxury vs necessity (wants vs needs)
  • Tracking expenses
  • Limits and goals on saving and spending
  • Know your weaknesses (ie., Starbucks) and what you value (ie., family time)
  • Gain spreadsheet skills (both for budgeting and future employment)
  • Parents should resist being guilted 

    Student Loans and Financial Aid:

  • Career and College Readiness Research Guide – MN Department of Education
  • Develop unique skills and talents – invest in YOU
  • Don’t borrow more in total than you think you’ll earn your first year out of college
  • Sit down and really look at your financial aid award letters – do the math!
  • Look at what are the growing fields for employment
  • Don’t visit schools you can’t afford – no point in falling in love if it’s too expensive
  • Use each school’s Net Price Calculator to get an idea of the costs 


Financial Planning Basics – Association of Financial Educators


  • Cashflow – income and expenses
  • Risk Management – ie., insurance
  • Accumulation/Investment
  • Income Taxes
  • Retirement – aka financial independence
  • Estate – passing it on

    Financial Emergencies:

  • A plan for the unplanned
  • A Rainy Day Fund – 3-6 months of fixed expenses

    Financial Planning Day (pro bono CFPs) – annually in October at Wilder Center

Credit and Debt Management – University of Minnesota Extension Service

  • Credit score ≠ Credit Report
  • Consumers get 3 free credit reports (1 each from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) per year through
  • 25% of credit reports have errors
  • Consumers may check their own report as many times per year as they want –  doesn’t affect anything
  • Best referral: Lutheran Social Services Financial Counseling  

Resources for Financially Vulnerable, Immigrants, & Underserved Communities panel

    Prepare and Prosper

  • Defines ‘underserved’ as: cash only, payday loans, no mainstream accounts, low  income, unbanked, New Americans, LEP (Limited English Proficiency)
  • Provides credit and financial coaching, tax preparation, ITIN applications, referrals
  • Summer and fall tax clinics (income limits)
  • EIC-Earned Income Credit – largest poverty tool from the US government. Very effective, can refund 30-35% of income. In MN, 1 in 5 who qualify do not claim it.
  • Exodus Lending – will buy payday loans, client only has to pay principal (no interest). Located near Raymond/University.

    United Way 211

  • Social services referrals
  • Spanish and Hmong speakers on staff

    Minnesota Attorney General’s Office

  • Avoid payday loans
  • Look up lenders on MN Dept of Commerce License Lookup

     Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Fraud Prevention panel:

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    Better Business Bureau of Minnesota and North Dakota

    Federal Trade Commission

        Financial Industry Regulatory Advisory Corporation (FINRA)


            --Laura, George Latimer Central Library



    Heading Home Ramsey

    I recently had the opportunity to learn about Heading Home Ramsey (HHR) at a City Council Organizational Committee meeting.  HHR is a collaborative of organizations that serve people who are experiencing homelessness or formerly homeless people.  The coalition forms the federally mandated governing board for the Continuum of Care for Ramsey County.  The Continuum of Care is all resources and services for homeless response that includes prevention (financial assistance, family assistance grants, dispute resolution with landlords), outreach (resources and case management), drop-in centers, emergency shelters, Coordinated Entry, and supportive housing (transitional housing, rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing).  The members of HHR consist of formerly homeless people, service providers, housing providers, local government, advocacy organizations, schools, health providers, and law enforcement.  Some of the members are funded by HHR and are required to be members.

    Heading Home Ramsey works to prevent and end homelessness through the Continuum of Care.  HHR is responsible for setting funding priorities and administering federal, state, city, and philanthropic funds; implementing and monitoring Coordinated Entry; and evaluating outcomes of funding projects.  HHR administers approx. $8.5 million each year and organizations that receive grant dollars also match funds.

    In a survey from Oct. 2018, Wilder research found 1,927 people experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County, though there may be many more who are uncounted. A lack of shelter beds forces many to double-up with friends/family/neighbors/strangers or sleep in places not meant for human habitation.  Not only is this unsafe and unhealthy, but it  leads people being hidden from data and fewer resources follow.  Many experience common barriers to housing such at poor credit, disability, eviction record, criminal record, and mental health issues.  The lack of affordable housing and Section 8 housing also adds to the issue. 

    HHR has asked the City to make affordable housing a priority, provide incentives for landlords to rent to people with barriers, support tenant training, reform regulations to support tenants, expand shelter resources, and work with service providers to improve homeless response.

    Handouts are available here and here.

    --Katrina H-T,  George Latimer Central Library

    Friday, April 19, 2019

    Focused Communication

    Focused Communication
    Presented by Marcela Sanchez
    Management Team Meeting
    April 10, 2019

    At Management Team meetings we have training for managers related to our Strategic Direction as well as our Mission, Vision,  and Values

    In April we had a presentation on Focused Conversation by Marcela Sanchez. The Focused Conversation method is a structured process that helps a group journey through a conversation together.  it intentionally moves through a topic beginning with things that can be observed (facts/data) and gets all voices in the room to share simple observations.  It calls forth information tied to individual experiences to enrich the data to be considered.  The group is then asked to contemplate this rich data, to draw forth meaning, consider options, possibilities and questions.  A last stage is to decide what action / conclusion to make - whether as individuals or as a group. 

    The process is intentional in seeking full participation from everyone and making space for the variations in human experience to be included for consideration.  Focused Conversation - Facilitating Shared Awareness provides an overview of the process.

    Focused conversation facilitators plan their conversation strategy ahead of time, thinking about the goal of the conversation. Are they looking for buy in, excitement, feedback, etc? Also facilitators will decide what their rational aim is (the intent or practical goal of the conversation) and the experiential aim (the inner impact or the overall experience you want participants to have). 

    Four levels of intentional questions move from objective information to more complex aspects of a topic or an issue. (see page 3 of this article for examples) The type of questions are Objective level questions (ask for objective factual information and inputs from the senses), Reflective level questions (invite spontaneous responses about past experiences with the topic, associations, memories related to the topic), Interpretive level questions (consider the implications of the topic, the values and significance of the choices, build collective awareness), and finally Decisional level questions (draw out deeper meaning, identify individual and group learning and choices). These questions are asked and information is gathered an analyzed between an opening to welcome the group and give context to the conversation and a closing in which the facilitator acknowledges and appreciates the learning that has taken place and helps to determine decisions and next steps. Questions asked should be as open ended as possible with no "yes/no" questions to allow participants to contribute as fully as possible. Questions should also be asked in pairs to get both positive and negative feedback-What went well? What was frustrating?, for example.

    I have included links to some handouts on Method Review, Focused Conversation Sample Applications, and a filled template for a Focused Conversation exercise we did at Management Team. To find more resources including a blank conversation template, see this informative website.

    Marcela recommended the following book The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the Workplace.

    Erin Zolotukhin-Ridgway, GLC