Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Jen Carson is the director of the LP Fisher library in New Brunswick, Canada, a contributor to Programming Librarian, and the author of Get Your Community Moving: Physical Literacy Programs for All Ages. 

Getting started with adult programming:

  • What is an adult? Are you being inclusive of people with physical and intellectual disabilities?
  • Make a list of all the programs your community would like organized under different categories.
  • Do you have patrons who can help each other with projects?-e,g, a sewing circle.
  • Local businesses love to talk about their speciality- can have a business conference for free.
  • Start at the bottom to get buy-in- the people who will actually do the work- talk to staff & volunteers- they may have a different spin on the activity. 
  • Next, move to the top for permissions- boss, senior management - find funding, staff, extra coverage, volunteers- show how the programming follows the library's strategic plan.
  • Cover your back legally-e,g. liability waiver for risky activities, food handling certificates. 
  • Some experts are happy to talk about their area of expertise for free. Use Facebook interest groups to find presenters.
  • Dig to get grants!
  • Make sure patrons are OK with being physically touched and photographed.
  • Intergenerational programming for the win!
  • Make sure programs are not cultural appropriation and check whether an activity should only be presented by a member of a certain group. 
  • Can you do digital/in-person hybrid programming?
  • Make sure staff and volunteers are trained. 
  • Evaluate! - update based on comments and try again. 

  • Figure out which patrons are using what media at what time of day- non-profits can do radio PSAs for free.
  • Talk to people at the desk!
  • Canva is a great program for publicity materials.
  • Advertise on Nextdoor.

For lots of cool programming ideas, check out the slides and programming idea Google Doc:

--Andrea H. @ GLCL