Friday, April 30, 2010


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Inspired by this entry from the YALSA blog, we decided to try having a reading lounge at our local anime convention, Anime Detour. Katy and I met with Anime Detour representatives to set it up. Since some Hennepin County librarians were already planning to have a presence there, Melissa and I met with them to coordinate efforts. Both systems brought manga and nonfiction related to anime and manga. A drawing to win free manga and DVDs was very popular. Hennepin County brought eye-catching posters with both libraries' names on them (Check out this manga-style character created especially for the library). We handed out flyers for library events and SPPL-branded pens and ID cases/keychains. Did you know Hennepin County Library has an Anime Prom? That sounds like fun.

We were open 12-6 Friday and Saturday. All together, 174 people came to talk to us or check out the manga. We were a little worried at first about not having a separate room, but we had a big area right by the gaming room, which brought a lot of foot traffic. I think people appreciated having somewhere to relax and read as a break from all the convention excitement. Attendees often asked us where different events were (we librarians always look so helpful and knowledgeable), we did a bit of reader's advisory ("Are there any manga series with romance AND action AND character development?"*), while others just wanted to share their love of their favorite manga with us.

Thanks to Amy, Erik, Jody, Juli, Camden, Alicia, Jan and Ally B. from Hennepin County; Lori, Anton and Jo from Anime Detour; Sheree, Therese, Paul, RoseAnn, Jennifer, Bill, Carol, Barb M., Melissa and Katy.


*For manga reader's advisory, Manga: The Complete Guide by Jason Thompson is good, and Novelist has manga as well.

1 comment:

Therese from the East Side said...

Sounds really cool!